Tuesday, July 15

Fish Galore 7.15

Made it to Taipei. Very hot here but it was expected. In fact, it's just a bit hotter than Korea but I already had over 5 days of it. But it's different here because the streets are full of scooters and bikes. To be honest, everything here looks the same as Korea except the signs are in Chinese. I met my director and her husband, very nice people and to be expected on the first day. We had a coffee and talked about everything, very open-minded people.
Later, they dropped me off at my friends place and we went to a great outdoor fish restaurant and had salmon, tuna, oysters and shrimp and washed it down with some Tsingtao beer, big sized bottles. Price-1050 dollars!! Not too bad!

1 comment:

tonight at noon said...

open minded... big change from korea, eh?