So far, I can count to five in Chinese, though it doesn't help a great deal. I guess it will help me out a little bit like when I'm getting a coffee I can say 'er' sugar.
Last night I went out with a friend who has a nice camera. I traded with him for a while and started to get a feel for using an SLR camera. My finger was sore after an hour. We took a walk through a night market. It was hot out last night but the last week hasn't been near as hot as the first 2 weeks I was here.

On the weekend I started playing with a new soccer team. All the guys on the team are Brits except me and an American. It's a good bunch of guys and we won 6-4. After the game we went to a place called Carnegies and I had an English breakfast. It was huge and they have it on the menu until 5 pm! One of the guys asked me how the sausage was but I didn't know what to compare it to!
I also went for a health check at the hospital and thankfully for one of the kind nurses there led me in the right direction. I went there Saturday morning to avoid a big lineup. Every foreigner teaching in Taiwan has to have a physical examination which also includes an x-ray and a blood check. I'll get the results next week...
Hey Dave,
Sounds like football will keep you in shape. I want to play when I get back. Already have 2 appointment for the school in Liverpool. One is with a councillor and the other is an open day.....cool....waiting to hear from Sir John Moores now.
Only 9 days to go until the big trip......
cool man, great to hear you're already making friends and being active.
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