Tuesday, June 10

A Fast Transition 6.10

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, then Monday morning. I will remember those days for a very long time. Emotionally draining. Quick and forceful changes though can be better than slow, indecisive ones. For me, leaving Korea has always been a difficult one, the number one reason being I've gotten too comfortable living there. Paul and I talked a lot about the advantages of leaving and why, only in one country, why either of us have lived in Korea for so long. Getting too comfortable.
But after a few days of being able to think it over, thinking of what all my other options are and could be, it's all very exciting and new! I miss my friends a lot of course but I hope we have the opportunity to all meet again in another country and even better, live in the same area again!!
About a week ago, I met Rob, Chris and Dan in downtown Seoul. I wish Paul, Billy and Ryan were there too. Dan was interviewed by a news reporter and I managed to get him on video here. You're a star Dan!!

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