I can't say I really miss Korea. Billy said to me today, "You must really miss Korea!"
But to be honest, I haven't really had much time to think about it. I'm still doing the same things, listening to World Soccer Daily, daily, watching football (which starts at a normal time) 6pm, not the normal 1:00 am and 3:30 am like in Korea.

I've been biking around the province of Friesland and listening to my football podcasts and figuring out where to go next. My week is planned from Monday to Thursday already. I did meet a great woman just before I left too but we're in different countries now. She was someone I would definitely continue to date if I was in Korea still.
But all the horking, getting bumped into, excessive honking of horns, annoyances like that are not missed at all. The only things I miss are my friends, the food, and some of the kids I taught. Other than that, I have really enjoyed my new adventure!
I started making this next video before I left Korea, it makes me sad to see these kids that I miss but I will see them again one day!
Biking around is something I haven't done in a while but it's nice to see the nature and the farms and it's amazing to see all the clouds in the sky.

Yesterday, I biked pretty far, over 20 km. I know some people bike more than that on a daily basis but a lot of people also drive everywhere. I can understand because it can rain anytime and it seems to every time I go for a ride.
But as long as the Euros keep going and Holland does well, I am totally comfortable being here. It kind of reminds me of the atmosphere during WorldCup 2002 in Korea!!

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